Thursday, May 13, 2010


Wyatt Howard Hunter born May 8th at 12:28pm 7 lb 2 oz 19 1/2 via c-section. Were all doing great and his big brothers are so excited to finally have him here.

It was a crazy last few weeks for our family, We had a baby...then Mothers Day...then my birthday...then we packed up and moved back to Utah! Billy will be starting a new job working for It all went very quick and was tough for us to move from California. We were just beginning to feel like it was home and of course will miss the great weather good friends and Disneyland! We are excited that we can now buy a house with a back yard for the boys to run and play, and to be close by family. It's a trade off!

So were back and excited that it's almost summer and for the great future ahead!


McGuire's said...

Where's the pictures?

McGuire's said...

Wow!!! That's a Crazy week Mel! Hope things went well with the move. I'm glad your back. Garrett would be sad to leave California, but at least you guys lived there....we haven't even gotten that far. :) I love the picture with all 3 cute boys.

Sarah said...

What an adorable picture of the three of them! congratulations!! How fun that you moved back, maybe i will see you more!! Happy new baby, happy mothers day, and happy birthday!!

Camille said...

Wow! They are all so great! I love the pictures you had a your fb as well. I'm glad you made it safely back home to Utah. Keep us updated with how things are going. Miss ya.

Noelley's Life said...

Hey Mel-

Congrats on the new baby boy. All your boys are sooo cute! I am glad you are back in Utah. I hope we get to see you! Take care!